Health Tips for the Fall & Flu Seasons

It is that time of the year when the days get shorter, and the temperatures drop. Yes, and there’s no better time for renewal and refreshing. This is the right time to give your health a boost by making a few lifestyle changes – changes that will ultimately result in ..Continue Reading

Ultrasonic Cavitation what is it?

BRIEF FACTS ABOUT ULTRASONIC CAVITATION Another name for ultrasonic cavitation is ultrasound cavitation. It is a cosmetic treatment used to break fat masses in your body. It is a better alternative to liposuction, and also less invasive. How safe is it? Ultrasonic cavitation has minimal risks. However, it does have ..Continue Reading

Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage

Overview of the lymphatic system Almost every part of the human body is supplied with the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is made of a complex network of nodes filled with fluid, organs, glands, and vessels. Even though you can’t see your lymphatic system or feel it, it is one ..Continue Reading

Benefits of Leech Therapy

The ancient Egyptians used leeches to treat nervous system abnormalities, skin infections, and dental problems. Today, leeches are used in plastic surgery and other forms of microsurgery. Why? Because these small creatures secrete proteins and peptides that prevent clotting of blood. We call these secretions anticoagulants. Anticoagulants allow blood to ..Continue Reading

Detoxifying Your Body through Foot Detox

It is said that Japanese travelers on a pilgrimage used to stop by a hot spring to soak their feet in hot water to relieve their weariness. This is perhaps the earliest instance of foot detox treatment. After soaking their feet in hot water, the travelers used to feel better ..Continue Reading

Is Colon Cleansing a Good Idea?

Did you know that colon cleansing was a popular medical practice in the ancient Greece? The ancient Greeks expanded the idea of auto-intoxication, says According to the revised concept, human body is not capable of extracting the waste products and toxins fully; and thus the residue accumulates in the ..Continue Reading

New Jersey Spa Treatments for a Relaxing Day Out

In the hectic world that exists today, finding time for yourself so that you can relax and get rid of some of the stress in your life can seem impossible at times. There is just so much going on most of the time that you may not have enough hours ..Continue Reading

Finding a NJ Weight Loss Center

If you find that you are struggling with issues with your weight you may want to seek out some outside help to provide you with the proper guidance you need to reach your goals. Whether you have a larger amount of weight you want to lose or just those last ..Continue Reading

Colonic Therapy for Your Health

It is always important that you try to do all that you can to keep yourself fit, healthy and feeling good. While most people are aware that they need to exercise, get the right amount of sleep, eat right and so on, many people may overlook certain aspects of their ..Continue Reading

Colonic Irrigation for Weight Loss

Weight loss is a common concern among men and women. Billions are spent every year on gym memberships, weight loss products, and diets in the hope of finding a solution to weight loss. The reality is there is no quick fix for weight loss. It requires a commitment to making ..Continue Reading